Brick Build — Winter Designs
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Frequently Asked Questions
What if I don't have the bricks listed for a design?
It is okay to combine smaller bricks to make the size you need.  For example, if you need a 1x4 brick, you can use two 1x2 bricks.

It is also okay to use a different color.
What is the minimum number of bricks I need if I don't care about using the right colors?
If you want to build each design without keeping any models and don't care what color bricks you use, the minimum set of bricks you need is:
20— 1x1
23— 1x2
11— 1x3
8— 1x4
7— 1x6
5— 1x8
What bricks do I need if I want to build and keep nice versions of each of the models?
If you want to keep all 20 of the designs without taking them apart, you will need the following bricks:
58— 1x1
34— 1x2
7— 1x3
5— 1x4
2— 1x6
2— 1x8
26— 1x1
24— 1x2
17— 1x3
8— 1x4
5— 1x6
7— 1x8
16— 1x2
5— 1x3
5— 1x4
8— 1x6
9— 1x1
13— 1x2
9— 1x3
7— 1x4
1— 1x6
3— 1x8
2— 1x1
7— 1x2
13— 1x1
23— 1x2
10— 1x3
9— 1x4
10— 1x6
7— 1x8
8— 1x2
32— 1x1
20— 1x2
9— 1x3
13— 1x4
10— 1x6
4— 1x8
15— 1x1
10— 1x2
7— 1x3
8— 1x4
3— 1x6
How do I report a bug or make a suggestion for improving Brick Build?
Send us email or complete our feedback form.  Before reporting a bug, please check the other questions and answers on this page.
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